The photographs were taken under cloudless conditions the
afternoon of 13 July, using a 35-mm lens, with Kodachrome 64 film, F-stop=11 and 1/125th
of second. Transparencies were scanned to 4-MB TIFF files with a Polaroid Scanner,
and the digital images opened in Adobe PhotoShop, tilted to parallel, brightness-adjusted
+35 units, contrast adjusted to +30 units, uniformly cropped, and sized to 380 pixels
width, and black plot borders added. PhotoShop files were optimized with Ulead
SmartSaver to JPEG quality level 60, no smoothing. |
Originating from the University of Florida, this greens
grass is very short and very dense. It was developed by A. E. Dudeck and C. L.
Murdoch, having been discovered by the senior author in 1988 on a golf course green on the
island of Kaui. There is a web site devoted to FloraDwarf, http://hort.ifas.ufl.edu/turf/flrdwrf.htm
These four replicated plots were planted at University of Florida - Fort Lauderdale in May
1997. Throughout most of their evaluation they were mowed at 1/8 inch. Plots
were aerified the week of 21 June 1999 and were treated with excess rates of herbicides 29
June 1999 and again 7July 1999, thus the cumulative rates were actually 2X, 4X, 6X, 8X,
and 10X. Mowing was suspended as soon as treatments began.
FloraDwarf bermudagrass performed overall: Fair (6.3) |
Basagran T/O (top row 0X, 1X, and 2X; bottom row 3X, 4X,
and 5X). Injured badly by aerification. Slight herbicide
injury |
Illoxan 3EC (top row 0X, 1X, and 2X; bottom row 3X, 4X,
and 5X). Very weak, unacceptable. Herbicide injury. |
MSMA 6.6 (top row 0X, 1X, and 2X; bottom row 3X, 4X, and
5X). Weak grass. Was damaged more by MSMA than were other
grasses, but was in a weak condition before spraying. |
Primo (top row 0X, 1X, and 2X; bottom row 3X, 4X, and
5X). Weak. |